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The Museum maintains a collection of archival material which can be accessed by researchers.

We have a secure storage area for our archive material:

Please see the procedures for reproduction of any of the museum's materials located at the end of this page.

The following pdf file contains hundreds of Dolores Train Registers covering much of the data for 1938 and 1939. These were donated by Tom Casper and are used here with his kind permission.

We have just finished a series of files listing all documents pertaining to the following topics. Clicking on the topic will open that data file in pdf format.

Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 Motor 4 Motor 5 Motor 6 Motor 7

Motor Mechanical Motor Operation 

RGS WD Lee Victor Miller

Forest White

Coach 252

The museum is in the process of recording all of the archival material in our posession by date and form Number (and/or Form Name). The following file lists the Table of Contents for our research materials:

Archive Materials Table of Contents

The following Excel spread sheet list all of the forms that have been tabulated to date (October 2012). As we add more archival material to the list it will be updated peridocially. The latest upload date is indicated.

Archival Index

We have now scanned and placed on the web site all of the RGS Employee Timetables.

We are in the process of scanning and putting on the web site all of the RGS Annual Reports. Check periodically as we continually add more.

Each day during its 62 years of operation the RGS recorded train movements, train crews, train delays, etc. on 29"x16" sheets called "Dispatcher's Train Sheets." We have a large collection of these train sheets. In the Microsoft Excel Files below we have listed the available train sheets along with some information about train delays on those dates.

Train Sheets 1800's

Train Sheets 1900's

We have now digitized our complete collection of hundreds of Daily Dispatcher Train Sheets. We have started putting them on the web site beginning with January 1892. Please check back often to see the progress in adding these to the web site.

Click here to see the Dispatcher Train Sheet pdf files

Listing of of the Maps, Drawings, Statistics, Finacial Date, etc. (updated April 2013) in the Museum's Archives:

Maps and Drawings

Listing of Statistics for Motors 2, 3, 4, and 5 for 1933

RGS Financial Data

Reproduction of Museum Archival Materials

The Museum will provide reproductions of certain archival material for personal use only.

Xerox copies $1.00 per page
Color slides $5.00 each

Where the material is to be used in a publication, for example, books, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, etc., the following fee schedule applies to a single use license of the reproduced material.

Photos $30.00 (There is an additional $10.00 fee if a negative is needed to reproduce the photo.)
Scans at 300 dpi or less $20.00

All reproduced photographs must be credited as follows: “Courtesy of the Ridgway CO Railroad Museum,” followed by the photograph number or scan number and the name of the photographer, if known. This information must appear on the same or facing page as the illustration.

Ridgway RR
                  Museum Logo

All original materials, text, and images Copyright © 2020 by the Ridgway Railroad Museum. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any materials, text and images without the express written permission of the Ridgway Railroad Museum is strictly prohibited.

All rights to materials, text, and images attributed to other sources are reserved to those sources. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any these materials, text and images without the express written permission of the owners is strictly prohibited.