Ridgway Railroad Museum
Membership Application
The Ridgway Railroad Museum is a non-profit, member supported organization whose mission is to explain and interpret the role and significance of railroads in the history of this region by use of exhibits, a reference library, educational programs, publications and sharing information with historical and modeling groups. Any donation or membership fee is fully tax deductable because of our 501(C3) tax status.
Please join the Ridgway Railroad Museum with your annual membership as indicated below:
$20.00 Individual
$40.00 Family
$100.00 Silver
$200.00 Gold
$300.00 Platinum
$1,000.00 Life (one time donation)
$100.00 Business
You may now make donations or membership payments through PayPal. After logging on to PayPal, type in our email address: ridgwayrailroadmuseum@gmail.com. When the payment page comes up, type in your dollar amount in the Payment box. Type in the Subject box <Annual Membership> if you are paying your annual membership dues or <Donation> if you are making a one-time donation. Then type your <name, mailing address and email address> into the message box.
If you prefer to mail in your membership payment, please print the form below and send with your check to:
Ridgway Railroad Museum
P.O. Box 588
Ridgway, CO 81432
Fax_______________________________e mail address:_____________________________
If you have any historic Western Colorado railroad photos or documents that you would consider donating to the Museum (or allowing us to scan for computer reproduction) please tell us about them. We're also looking for donations of railroad artifacts.
We're anxious to know more about you! Please tell us about your hobbies, or any talents that you think we would be useful for the Museum. Our activities include restoration, model building, collecting, display design, etc.
Here's how I think I can help: ______________________________________________________